New website details Senate candidate Budd’s corruption

Mitch McConnell Senate Leadership Fund is dumping $3.4 million into the North Carolina U.S. Senate race between candidates Cheri Beasley and Ted Budd. Donald Trump is attending a rally with Budd in Wilmington next week. And Budd co-sponsor the US House version of Senator Lindsey Graham’s depraved abortion ban.

So it seems like a good time to recall why Budd, of all the candidates running in 34 contested US Senate races in November, is probably the most corrupt politician vying for a US Senate seat this cycle.

As the new details website for the North Carolina Democratic Party, Budd has been embroiled in a number of twisted deals, special interest-funded trips, and financial scandals. He also voted against the best interests of the people of North Carolina to the max at every turn.

Here’s a taste:

Budd always took money from big banks, then voted to allow banks to charge high fees to customers and thwarted efforts to cut costs for regular workers.

Budd and his family ripped $50 million from farmers under a farm program that went bankrupt and left more than $1.3 million in tax debt. We talked about it last September.

Budd traveled with special interests, taking a series of trips worth $30,000 to destinations like Miami, Palm Beach and Oslo, Norway, and staying in luxury hotels for $900 a night.

Budd voted against legislation in July that would lower gasoline prices and protect consumers from price gouging by big oil companies. The day before, he had taken $5,000, the maximum legal campaign contribution, from oil major PAC Continental Resources Inc.

Days before voting against HR 3, the Elijah E. Cummings Drug Cost Reduction Now Act of 2019, Budd took $2,500 from GlaxoSmithKline’s PAC and $1,000 from Pfizer.

This is all on top of siding with predatory payday lenders after taking their money, voting against funding child abuse prevention services, voting against a bill to address the shortage of infant formula and initially vote against a bill to help veterans.

So Budd’s track record isn’t great. Sometimes it’s just good to keep all the corruption cataloged in one place.

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