LBIS changes room reservation system at Chalmers Library


On Sunday, November 28, Library and Information Services (LBIS) staff sent a student information email detailing updates to the Chalmers Library Study Room Reservation System being implemented. place in September.

LBIS released the first guidelines for booking a group study room at the end of September. Shortly after, Buildings and Grounds Committee Chairman Caleb Newman ’24 sent in a comment form on October 21 to assess what students thought about the library’s operation. Some responses complained about limited availability and confusion on how to book a room in the first place.

These minor changes come in response to the results of this study. In the November 28 email, Associate Vice President for Libraries and Strategic Innovation Amy Badertscher said that LBIS has made these changes to ensure that all students have equal and equitable access to learning spaces. group study.

The most significant change to the system is that it now allows students to book two sessions of a maximum of two hours each instead of one booking of four hours, allowing more flexibility in the schedule.

One of the other changes is the automatic confirmation that students receive after booking a room. This digital receipt will provide assurance to people who book a room only to show up and see that it is being used by someone who has not reserved it.

Newman is happy with the system updates. “I am happy that the changes are based in part on the work my committee has done,” he said.


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