Photos from the hotel website vs. Yelp, Foursquare Photo Comparison



  • Hotels and resorts tend to post photos of their biggest hotel rooms and empty paradisiacal pools.
  • Review sites like Yelp and Foursquare can give a different – and sometimes more specific – look at what it’s like to stay in a hotel.
  • From London to Las Vegas, here are some of the most shocking fantasy versus reality photos.

When you book a hotel for your next trip, you might think you know what you’re getting by checking out the hotel’s website and social media.

But beware, traveler, every company wants to put its best face forward.

Whether it’s making hotel rooms and swimming pools look bigger than they actually are, or adding accessories to a hotel room during a photoshoot, there are a few tips. photographic images that can fool the eye. In many cases, they deceive the potential client and make the space look a lot more glamorous than it actually is.

Review sites like Yelp and Foursquare can sometimes be a more reliable source of what a hotel room or pool might look like. Whether it’s smaller, cramped, overcrowded, or dimly lit, reviewers have little reason to try and make a room or accommodation something it’s not.

Below is a collection of photos of hotels that have posted beautiful photos of their space, but haven’t accurately captured what it might look like on a typical stay.


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